Advanced Integrative Energy Healing™

Mechthild Maczewski, CAIEHP, PhD.

Health Articles & News Blog

Heart connection

I have been fortunate enough to know Mechthild over the last couple of decades. I have found her calmness and...

PTSD block breakthrough

Calming.  Soothing nervous system.  Reduction of anxiety between visits. I had an emotional “block” in my PTSD counselling, trying to...

Grounded, centered, aligned

I noticed I was much more grounded, centered, aligned, which was just what I needed. I left feeling relaxed and...

dense energy release

My first session with Mechthild was extraordinary. I felt a huge energy draining through my body, down to my feet,...

True healing spirit

When I first began treatment with Mechthild, two years ago, I was in the midst of a chronic pain episode...

holding space

I was really amazed by the way Mechthild was able to hold the space for my body to release what...

Mechthild was amazing

Mechthild was amazing.  Very calm, accepting, perceptive, respectful.

Very enlightening

Very enlightening. A deeper connection to myself. I feel whole again. – T.K.

beneficial to well-being

I had not had an energy healing treatment in over a year and didn’t realize how much I missed it...

Pleasant, gentle experience that is non-invasive.

Pleasant, gentle experience that is non-invasive. A very good professional experience I got out of this. – L.C.